Antonio Rodriguez Farias

QA Engineer | SDET

About me
Software QA Engineer with experience in Frontend, Backend, Continuous Integration, Databases (SQL and NoSQL), UX/UI, Mobile, Architecture, Linux / macOS / Windows testing.

I have the following studies
.- MSc. Big Data
.- DipPG. Defensive Cybersecurity
.- Dip. Machine Learning
.- LLB. Lawyer

Passionate about quality control tests because they allow a transversal vision of the platform and the product as a whole and not only from the software. Contributing to a vision of Cybersecurity, guaranteeing the operation of endpoints and APIs, taking care of the details in Frontend, ensuring a friendly UX and inspecting the quality of the data in the database.

Below I detail the technologies with which I work.


Testing with Selenium WebDriver to run on different browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla, Edge, Safari using the Pytest format in Python.

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API Testing with Python using all CRUD operations as appropriate.
Also validations in SQL or NoSQL database.

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Linux tests with Vagrant by HashiCorp or VirtualBox by Oracle, also tests on different versions of Windows if necessary.

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Pipeline to automate scheduled executions of tasks in Frontend, Backend or Database.

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Continuous Integration

Pipeline in .YAML for cloud automations on platforms like GitHub Actions.

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Working with agile methodologies such as Scrum.

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